Creating a Custom Docker Image with MongoDB Data

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When we work with containers, we often need a development or testing environment that reflects production. In my case, I needed to create a customized Docker image containing databases and collections from a MongoDB instance in production.

To do this, I used a shell script to export and import the data. First, I present the script and then I explain how to incorporate it into a Docker image.

MongoDB Data Export and Import with Shell Script

As the import takes place inside a Docker container, no authentication (user/password) was required in the import process. In addition, to avoid an excessive volume of data in the test environment, I limited the export to 100 documents per collection – this value can be adjusted as required.

Below is the script used to export the data from a MongoDB instance and then import it into a Docker container:

candidates=$(echo "show databases" | mongo -u <usuario> --host <hostname>:27017 --authenticationDatabase admin  -p <senha> | grep -Ev "^(MongoDB|connecting|admin|local|test|bye)" | awk '{print $1}')
for candidate in $candidates; do
    collections=`echo "show collections" | mongo -u <usuario> --host <hostname>:27017 --authenticationDatabase admin  -p <senha> $candidate --quiet`
    for collection in $collections; do
        var=$((var + 1))
        mongoexport -u <usuario> --host <hostname>:27017 --authenticationDatabase admin  -p <senha> --db $candidate -c $collection --limit=100 --out json/$var"_"$candidate"_"$collection"_export.json"
for i in `ls json`;
    database=`echo $i | awk -F "__" '{print $2}'`
    collection=`echo $i | awk -F "__" '{print $3}'`
    mongoimport -d $database -c $collection --file json/$i

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