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About the author
My name is Henrique, but many people call me Ricuxo. I’ve been an Oracle DBA since 2014 and have worked with several leading database technologies. I like to venture into automation and I’m full of ideas that I want to turn into reality. I created this blog to challenge myself to put these ideas into practice! I live in São Paulo, Brazil, and if you want to talk to me, just use the contact page or look me up on social media.
About blog
This blog uses artificial intelligence (AI) to support the creation of texts and tutorials. However, we guarantee that this does not compromise the quality or accuracy of the information. All the tutorials and guides available here have been thoroughly tested in the laboratory or in real environments before being published.
Our commitment is to offer you reliable, practical and relevant content, safe in the knowledge that everything has been validated by experts and adjusted to meet your day-to-day IT needs.
AI is used as a tool to improve the production of content, ensuring clarity, objectivity and quick updates, but the problems are real, and when they are corrected, I take the screenshots, put the correction in order and post it here, so that I can remember it myself in the future, and to help any professional colleagues who are going through the same problem.
Remember, as much as the posts here are problems in real or simulated environments, it’s always good to do a test before applying it in production, so that you have more confidence in the step-by-step process.
English Blog
The blog has some parts in English, the intention being first to train my English, and second to reach a wider audience, but some parts, as I’m not fluent, I resort to Google Translate or Deepl. You may have posts in English that aren’t, with the best writing in the world. My apologies are already here, and I promise to improve with time.