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After completing a database upgrade, difficulties arose in starting the database via srvctl.
srvctl status database -d mddsbr01
PRCD-1229 : An attempt to access configuration of database mddsbr01 was rejected because its version differs from the program version Instead run the program from /u01/app/oracle/product/
SQLTo fix this, you have to tell srvctl the new home with the upgrade parameter:
srvctl upgrade database -d mddsbr01 -oraclehome /u01/app/oracle/product/
SQLAfter executing the command, it was possible to upload the database and make it available for use by the application:
srvctl status database -d mddsbr01
Instance mddsbr011 is not running on node tstoda01db01
Instance mddsbr012 is not running on node tstoda01db02